Mini Dental Implants: What Are They And Are They Right For You?

If you're like most people, you've likely heard about mini dental implants — but you may be unsure of what they actually are. Although they might sound like a smaller version of traditional implants—and they are—there's more to them than just size. Mini dental implants, also known as MDIs, serve as a foundation for fixed or removable prosthetics such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. They consist of a small titanium post, usually less than 3mm in diameter, that acts as an artificial root, anchoring the dental prosthesis securely in place.

Dental Anxiety: How Your Dentist Can Help

Dentists can provide valuable support and assistance in managing dental anxiety. Here are several ways a dentist can help: Open communication and empathy: A dentist who understands dental anxiety will create a welcoming and non-judgmental environment. They will listen to your concerns, address any fears or anxieties you may have, and take the time to explain procedures and answer your questions. The more your dentist understands your concerns, the easier your dental visits will be.

The Future Of Dentistry: Advances In CEREC Same-Day Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are an essential restorative solution for damaged or weakened teeth, providing both strength and aesthetics. Traditionally, the process of receiving a dental crown involved multiple appointments and temporary restorations. However, with the advent of CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) technology, significant advancements have revolutionized the dental crown procedure. Here are four remarkable advances in CEREC same-day dental crowns that are reshaping the field of dentistry. Digital Impressions and Design

Are There Any Alternatives To Complete Dentures?

For many years, dentures have been the best option for older patients or patients with severe tooth decay and tooth loss. However, if you have concerns about dentures, or want to know if there are other options, you might be surprised to learn that you might find a better alternative to total mouth dentures. Here are a few alternatives to dentures you should discuss with a dentist. Partial Dentures Complete dentures involve removing all remaining teeth.

Overdentures Eliminate Slipping Dentures Because Implants Or Your Natural Teeth Keep Them Secure

If you're considering dentures because you have several missing teeth or you have bad teeth that need to be pulled, ask your dentist about overdentures. You may find these a better option since they secure firmly in your mouth and eliminate many of the problems associated with loose, slipping traditional dentures. These are the two types of overdentures to consider. 1. Tooth-Supported If you have a few natural teeth left, the dentist might use them to support your dentures.