FAQs About General Dentistry

What is general dentistry? Whether you have an oral issue or you just need a routine check-up, a general practice dentist can help. If you're not sure whether this type of dentist is the right provider to meet your needs, take a look at the top questions patients have about general practitioners. What Is A General Dentist? As the name implies, this type of dentist is a general provider. Instead of specializing in one area, such as endodontics or orthodonture, these providers offer a variety of services.

New Implants? How To Keep Them Sparkling And Happy

If you are missing a tooth, few remedies work like a dental implant. They replace that ugly gap with a beautiful, natural-looking tooth that needs little to no care. However, most will want to do everything they can to preserve their new implants, so they last a very long time. For some tips on keeping your new dental implants shiny and new, read on. Brush Carefully and Gently You don't want to scratch your implant by brushing too vigorously or with the wrong type of toothbrush so heed your dentist's warnings and use soft bristles and non-whitening toothpaste.

4 Benefits Of Using Invisalign For Kids And Teens

If your child needs braces, Invisalign braces are an excellent alternative to conventional metal braces. Invisalign braces consist of clear aligners that gradually reposition your teeth; your child will swap their aligner for a new one every couple of weeks. These aligners are created using impressions and images of your child's mouth. Here are a few of the benefits of using Invisalign for your teen or kid's orthodontic treatment.  1. It's Easier for Your Child to Maintain Optimal Oral Hygiene with Invisalign

Dental Visits For Children With Special Needs

A simple visit to the dentist can be an overwhelming experience for children with autism, anxiety disorders, special needs, Down syndrome, and more. Children need dental care, but it can be challenging to make that happen without causing the child distress. Read on for tips to ensure your child can receive dental care in a caring, responsive environment. Choose the Office with Care Dental offices that move at a slower pace may be better for your child.

Jawbone Problems That Affect Oral or Dental Health

The jawbone is an integral part of your mouth. Thus, jawbone problems affect other parts of your oral cavity, including your teeth. You should be aware of potential jawbone problems – plus how they can affect your dental health. Below are some jawbone problems and how they can trigger dental health issues. Dry Socket A dry socket arises as a complication of tooth extraction. After tooth extraction, blood normally clots on the wound to stop further bleeding and infection and to promote healing.